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How You Can Text Santa to support Save the Children, Macmillan and Make a Wish UK

How You Can Text Santa to support Save the Children, Macmillan and Make a Wish UK

How You Can Text Santa to support Save the Children, Macmillan and Make a Wish UK

That awkward moment when you realise you’ve just walked three miles along a busy road with your poms poms out!

When I wore this Christmas jumper last year, I was 3 months pregnant and trying not to vomit every hour of the day, so I hadn’t noticed the not so subtle placement of my penguin pom poms. It’s clear now that I was more ill than I realised, because I can usually find the silly innuendo in most things!

But, hey, it’s all good Christmassy fun and is (with my donation),  in support of Text Santa. The annual UK Text Santa campaign moves us along from writing letters to Santa, to encouraging people to send a text message,  which converts to a donation, that ultimately grants a Christmas wish for people in need.

So, Santa does exist and, for one day only, he takes the form of Philip Schofield who is the silver haired, foxy ambassador of the campaign.


This year, it supports:

100% of the text donations go to the charities and if you want to see what they do with it, click the links below. From a personal point of view, I have seen people close to me benefit from the charitable donations and the dedicated people on the ground (voluntary or otherwise) that make these charities work in the special way they do.

Even if people don’t want to donate financially, the way I see it is if these kinds of campaigns can inspire and mobilise and bring awareness of these, or other worthy causes, surely that’s a good thing. And if people decide to help in their own ways – volunteering, campaigning, then that really does grant a lot of wishes.

I’m a big believer and advocate of the reciprocal benefits of volunteering, so if you would rather volunteer, you can find out about volunteering opportunities here : Text Santa Volunteer and here: Do-it. Org

This year, I’m doing my bit by texting my donation, wearing my silly jumper, and hopefully, raising some awareness

I’ll also be counting my blessings that all my own wishes of health and happiness this year, have been granted.

Kitty x

You can find out information about where the money goes and what the charities do here:

Save the Children – what they dovolunteering and how the money is spent
Macmillan Cancer Support – what they do and how to get involved and where the money goes and
Make a Wish – UK –  what they do, how to get involved and where the money goes.

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1 Comment

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Nice post. You're right about the volunteering aspect. That matters too!

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