One Love | Self love and Single Motherhood #AnFWord

One love has been a major theme of the past few weeks, whether it’s the Bob Marley song that dominated my sister’s gorgeous wedding, or me prancing about tennis courts with my uni friend on our staycation in my favourite newbies from New Look, or me trying to take more time for myself (as I mentioned in Learning to love my #selfie), or getting used the challenges and fabulousness over my first year as a mum, or, the big one, preparing myself for single motherhood.  

Why #anFword is No| #2

#anFword is NoThis week, #anFword is no. This includes Toddlers and the Art of Saying No and How to Fix a MacBook for Free when your computer says no. The Idiot's Guide!No can be negative and it can also be positive - no limits, no regrets, no problem, no worries.No can be life preserving - No, B, don't eat

Launching #anFword| Shoe #1

 #anFword: ShoeI've decided I'm going to write a regular post, which will be a word (or phrase) that sums up the past week or so, and as I'll be deciding the word every Friday, I'll be calling it #anFword (a Friday word). It's a given that the F word will inevitably have been a part of my

Culotte Jumpsuit | A New Look + #giveaway

The Culotte JumpsuitHere I am again, experimenting with the culotte.  The last post featured the denim culottes. There's also a giveaway running over there. This time it's the turn of the culotte jumpsuit.I am a massive fan of jumpsuits, playsuits, or adult rompers as my friend calls them (but let's leave those shenanigans for late

Going Back to Work and the Art of Crying

Going back to work after maternity leave Me crying is not necessarily a new phenomenon, I cry at all sorts of weird and not so weird things for reasons of happiness, sadness,  frustration, because something is truly hilarious, or just because I feel like listening to music and having a good old bawl!