Why January is not the best time to start your fitness goals | Fitness Tips

Fitness tips. It might seem a little unlikely, but the perfect time to start a fitness resolution isn't January! That's right, evidence shows that we're more likely to ditch fitness resolutions that we start in January and even worse, almost half of us who failed will have failed before January was even over! But with a bit of planning and a lot less pressure and also, a few friends, we can definitely start now and get to our goals in 2022!

One Love | Self love and Single Motherhood #AnFWord

One love has been a major theme of the past few weeks, whether it’s the Bob Marley song that dominated my sister’s gorgeous wedding, or me prancing about tennis courts with my uni friend on our staycation in my favourite newbies from New Look, or me trying to take more time for myself (as I mentioned in Learning to love my #selfie), or getting used the challenges and fabulousness over my first year as a mum, or, the big one, preparing myself for single motherhood.