Navy is the new black | Mdina, Malta

How to wear navy? Well, with anything really! Navy works in exactly the same way as black as a canvas colour, but it just gives that subtle hint of something extra. I think of it like denim. You can pair any colour with denim and navy wears the same. Here's some navy outfits inspired by my trip to Malta.

Chanel and Rockstud Inspired| Modern Vintage Chic

  Chanel Inspired Affordable ChicLike Beyoncé channels her alter ego, Sacha Fierce, I have been feeling inspired by the great quotes and the style of Coco Chanel. I've been going back to classic style with this affordable Chanel and Valentino Rockstud inspired modern vintage look.As you know, I love following fashion and I have been experimenting with trends,

Cold shoulder shirt dress

The Cold Shoulder Shirt Dress I'm loving the cold shoulder trend. I also love shirt dresses. So, by its very definition,  this cold shoulder shirt dress ticks all the boxes. Plus, if you're wondering can I breastfeed in it?  You definitely could! I've always been a fan of the off the shoulder bardot top and like many other styles