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Live more colourfully

Live more colourfully

Resolutions vs. Ways we want to live

What’s the difference between life goals and resolutions? Like most people, I always have goals. They don’t necessarily start at new year and they evolve and grow all the time. Are goals resolutions? Perhaps.

We associate resolutions with a new year for obvious reasons. I talked about the best times to make successful fitness resolutions. But, a new year is as good a time as any to look back and reflect and an opportunity to make positive changes,  though some might groan!

 Why embrace living colourfully

We also associate so strongly resolutions with new year and that gives positive and negative connotations. So why don’t we just call them mantras or, better still, ways we want to live. The main way I always want to live is to live colourfully. It’s not just about actual colour, it’s about living as varied and rich a life as you possibly can.

It’s one goal I have, no matter what year or time of year. But, yes, it’s all about challenging myself and make the most of every aspect. Good and bad. And where there don’t appear to be opportunities – creating them!

Being a mum brings so many joys and there is nothing more colourful for me than raising a child. Having my son was a real driving inspiration for me starting this blog. But there are loads of simple, practical and achievable ways of living more colourfully.

So, here’s why adding a little colour to your life will make you healthier and happier!


Eat Colourfully

Of course health – mental, physical and spiritual should be the forefront of any positive changes. It doesn’t have to be about running a marathon or aiming to do 5000 crunches a day. Unless that’s what will get you going. Nope, you can make simple changes that will make huge differences.

If you’re eating colourfully you will be living well. The only diet we really need is a varied one. Variation gives balance and balance gives health. So, even if the cold weather makes you want to eat 50 shades of beige, or you have a toddler who likes to say no,  throw in a little extra colour and you’ll be getting it right.

In fact, even if you love certain foods, experimenting with how you prepare them or what you pair them with is a great way to add a little much needed spice.


Dress Colourfully

Now, this post wouldn’t be complete without the gorgeous tunic dress, which inspired it. It’s a Boden fave and I have worn it so many ways for different occasions and I never get bored of it. Or tired of getting lovely compliments. Wearing it makes me feel pretty awesome and it is such a welcome change from my go-to muted colours. Plus, you can pair it with so many different colours. It made me think I need to do my outfit a day again to break me further out of my style rut and bring a little fun and brightness into my wardrobe. Even in winter!

So, I’ll be using my own fail-safe tried and tested ways to make the most of your wardrobe and doing my seasonal declutter. I’ll be forcing myself to wear everything I leave in my wardrobe and getting rid of what I don’t. Keep your eyes on Preloved or Depop!

(By the way, the dress is currently on sale for less than £36, from £99.50 so if you like it, here’s the link. There’s up to 60% off plus an extra 10% off the sale with code 6T2C .)


Dream Colourfully

Dreaming colourfully is about having goals that challenge and stimulate. It’s OK to aim big! It’s also just fine to set a series of smaller goals. It’s not a competition. My previous goals have been to travel to South America, which just wasn’t happening until I decided to go wild and go by myself! It was one of the best experiences of my life. The other was to start an online magazine and just after B was born, so was Kitty & B.

I wanted to learn video production having worked with video in other guises for a long time and I took the leap to create our YouTube channel. That led to me teaching myself iMovie and Final Cut Pro, After Effects and a load more. I even ended up making my sister’s wedding video and now have commissions to make some promo videos.

I wanted to become a fitness professional after a lifetime of being in sports, dance and fitness and constantly being asked to train with people to help them reach their goals. Through this blog, I am now studying to become a qualified weight management consultant. I thought I couldn’t do it as a single/co-parenting mum, with a toddler, a full-time job and a blog. BUT, I’m studying online and fit it around my other commitments. I take time out when I need to. Perfect!

So, what I am saying is, these are some of my proudest achievements, not to brag, but to show you can do anything you want to. Just start. Who knows where you’ll end up at the end of 2017!


Travel Colourfully

Obviously, I love travelling. I have travelled a lot, but there’s always somewhere new to go or not so new to see again from a different perspective. Having lived abroad too, I can’t praise those experiences enough. I’ve just come back from my first holiday with B and I can’t wait to share more of the world of travel with him. Home and abroad. Because, you know what, there are so many places right on our doorsteps that we haven’t explored.


Love in glorious technicolour

2016 was a heart breaking and heart making year for me, but I never want to become cynical and bitter. I’ve always said that. And I don’t want to teach that to my son or to anyone for that matter. After a crazy and terrifying year in the news, there were times I needed to retreat and take a social media detox. But, time to reflect always brings me back to the fact that all we need is love. Cheesy? Yes. True? Absolutely!

So, whatever you do over the next days, weeks, months and years, keep in mind living colourfully and you can’t go far wrong.

What are your future goals?

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  • Yasmin0147
    5 years ago

    Love a statement shoe

  • I think it helps to shape your mood, which is why I’m definitely happier when there are bright flowers around me and the bright sum. Great post
    Musings of a tired mummy…zzz… recently posted…Birth number 2My Profile

  • 7 years ago

    Awesome post.
    ig recently posted…igMy Profile

  • […] both children’s and grown up style fashion posts. We really enjoyed Kitty & B post on Live More Colourfully and it instantly made me smile.  How many of us just wear muted colours?  Yet when I […]

  • 8 years ago

    I’ve read a lot of goals posts this January but this is my absolute fave – I love the way you have captured the essence of so many different goals in one totally appropriate phrase. I was chatting to someone the other day about how dull my instagram page is, but I put it down to being winter and that feeling of cosy and indoors. My life definitely needs an injection of colour!

    Can’t wait to follow your rainbow throughout 2017


    Thanks for linking #coolmumclub

  • Stephanie
    8 years ago

    Love the dress and the post! Great message! #wineandboobs

  • You know how much I love you and this post, thanks for linking up with #MumsThatSlay xx

  • This is such a great post Kat. You’re so right a colourful life is the best life. For me dressing and eating are everything. I love your goals v resolutions distinction, because that’s just it. This is going to be a great year for you. Sending you much love. Yvadney x #BrillBlogPosts

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks my love! You always dress so beautifully, you are a real style guru. I started wearing a head wrap after I saw how to do it on your YouTube channel 😉. So excited for this year and for #mumsthatslay. Thanks so much for all your support – you don’t know how much it means! 😘😘😘 #brilliantblogposts

  • 8 years ago

    Inspirational post and I love that dress – stunning! I agree, bright colours do boost your mood!

  • 8 years ago

    What an awesome unique concept, I’ve never thought of using colour as a way to live before 😀

  • 8 years ago

    I love the red shoes. I think eating colourfully is so important. The more colour in the diet the better.
    Angela recently posted…Treating Hair Loss After Gastric Bypass SurgeryMy Profile

  • Great post. The eating colourfully always sticks in my mind. Especially when I’m finding foods for my daughter to eat. I like her to eat a rainbow haha! Should treat myself safe haha.

    • 8 years ago

      Isn’t it funny how we end up with our kids eating better than us! Definitely time to apply the same to ourselves! x

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, yes and more yes! I had a shock the other year – everything I wore was black! Made a drastic change and immediately picked up some orange trousers. Living colourfully is so important, I honestly believe I have been more confident and creative since I have filled more of my life up with as much colour as possible, in everything from food to bathbombs. That dress is stunning, love how you’ve styled it too! Thank you for linking up!

  • 8 years ago

    I love colours but don’t wear nearly enough bright ones. I prefer black and dark ones. Not enough confidence I guess. Great post 🙂 Kaz x

  • I love bright colours, they really cheer me up -though I should be more colourful in how I dress. I want to eat more colourfully this year! I really love that dress, it’s gorgeous.
    Jenni – Odd Socks and Lollipops recently posted…Living Arrows 1 – CastleMy Profile

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks Jenni! The absolutely adore this dress! It really does give me a boost! I’ve been doing the eating colourfully too and it’s so true that we eat with our eyes as much as our stomachs, so when it looks nice, it tastes fab, too! x

  • 8 years ago

    I am more of a goals person myself as well, I love this dress on you! I am a colourful person myself in terms of style and personality and it really does make you feel happier!

  • 8 years ago

    I love the colours in your dress. I could do with wearing some more colour this year

    • 8 years ago

      Thanks lovely! The colours are beautiful aren’t they? I feel like they shouldn’t work, but somehow they do! x

  • 8 years ago

    Loved this post, I am more goals than resolutions kind of person due to the annotations associated with it but I too am looking forward to living and traveling colourfully

  • 8 years ago

    Such a lovely post and so true. Living life with a bit more colour is such a good idea.

  • I am a big fan of colour. I have some lovely bright dresses that I am hoping to be able to get into soon (need to lose the baby weight!0

    • 8 years ago

      I’m sure you look great, but I know it’s hard not to let the baby weight put you off wearing what you want to/used to wear. I would love to see some posts on dressing colourfully post-baby. I think lots of women would! x

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